Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Basic Chicken Salad

Since I hope that this will still exist when my kids begin to cook, I'm going to add this quick recipe on here. This is a recipe that I learned from Mrs. Cheri Sutherland. A wonderful woman who can whip up a mean chicken salad in a hurry.  The quantities of the ingredients are solely up to the maker. If you have a crowd, use more. If making for one, just less. This is a sweeter chicken salad. The relish & pineapple give it a little sweeter taste than the typical chicken salad.

Chicken Salad

What you need: 
Shredded Chicken  (I usually make about 1-2 lb.)
2-3 Celery stalks, finely chopped
1 can of pineapple tidbits, drained & finely chopped  *The crushed pineapple has too much liquid, makes it too sweet*
Mayonnaise to taste
1 tsp Celery Salt or to taste
Salt & Pepper to taste
Sweet Relish
1/2-1c. Roasted chopped pecans (or nut of choice) 

How to make it:
-Boil or bake chicken until finished. Allow chicken to sit until it reaches room temperature. You can choose to let it sit overnight in the refrigerator. 
-Shred chicken or finely chop chicken and place in a large bowl. 
- Finely chop celery & pineapple. (This depends completely on the maker. If you want more of each or none as well as how large you like) Place into bowl with chicken.
- Add mayonnaise to taste. I start with 2 Tbsp and work up. Can always add more, can't take away. 
- Add salt & pepper & celery salt to taste. 
- Add relish. Again, I start with a Tbsp and add to liking. 
- Add roasted pecans to liking. 
- Stir it up. Taste and tweak to liking. 
- Serve on toasted wheat bread, crackers or on a bed of mixed greens. 



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