Thursday, April 21, 2011

BBQ Chicken Pizza & Fresh Tomato Pizza

BBQ Chicken Pizza
For those of you who read my other blog Leigh's Excellent Journey then this will be a repeat. But since I am posting recipes and fun tips on this blog.. I thought it needed to be added. :) Great pizza!! I have made it a couple of times and it's a big hit. 

What you need for pizza: 
-Pizza Dough (I cheat and get Trader Joe's but I have included a recipe below in case..) 
- BBQ Sauce (any kind will do, I like to use a Honey flavored sauce or you can make your own)
- 2-3 chicken breast (Bake chicken in BBQ sauce then cube into pizza appropriate pieces)
- 1 red onion, sliced into slivers
- 1 green pepper, sliced into slivers
- 1 package of fresh mozzarella cheese shredded
- 1 bunch of cilantro, wash and remove leaves

What you need to make pizza dough:
- 1 (.25 oz) package of dry yeast
- 1 tsp. of white sugar
- 1 c. warm water
- 2 1/2 c. bread flour
- 2 TBsp. olive oil
- 1 tsp. salt

How to make pizza dough: (Recipe from
1. Preheat oven to 450.
2. Dissolve yeast & sugar in warm water. Let stand until creamy (10 mins or so)
3. Stir in flour, salt & oil. Beat until smooth. Let rest for 5 mins.
4. Turn dough out onto a lightly floured surface and pat or roll into shape. 
5. Place dough on a lightly greased pizza pan.
6. Add toppings.. 

BBQ Chicken Pizza

How to make YUMMY BBQ Pizza:
*Preheat oven to 450
1. Place pizza crust in place on a lightly greased pizza pan. 
2. In a separate bowl, mix chicken and BBQ sauce to flavor. (Don't make too gooey, just a light coating)
3. Spread BBQ sauce over the pizza crust. (Again, to your liking- I don't use A LOT of sauce because I don't like a lot of sauce on my pizza, use your discretion here)
4. Sprinkle chicken throughout the pizza. Do the same with onions & peppers.
5. Then sprinkle cheese over the pizza until covered.
6. Bake at 450 for 8-10 mins or until golden bubbly.
7. Let sit for a few mins and garnish with cilantro.
8. ENJOY!!

Fresh Tomato & Mozzarella Pizza
I scored this dynamite recipe from Rachael Ray's magazine. I love Rachael's cooking for the most part so I gave this simple recipe a try and it was simply amazing! Give it a try!! 

What you need:
- Pizza Dough (again, I cheat with TJ's pizza dough but recipe is above for pizza dough)
- 1 package of cherry tomatoes (washed)
- 1 package of fresh mozzarella cheese
- 2 TBsp olive oil
- Garlic to taste
- S & P to taste
- 1 TBsp. dried oregano

How to make the FT&M Pizza:
1. Preheat oven to 450
2. Place pizza dough on a lightly greased pizza pan.
3. In a saucepan, spread oil oil and heat pan to medium heat.  Then add tomatoes and allow them to cook. They will bust open in the pan when a little pressure is applied. Only takes a couple of mins.
Once tomatoes are nice and soft, add garlic, S & P to taste. Add oregano also. Allow to cook for another minute and set aside to cool for just a couple of minutes.
4. Once tomatoes are slightly cooled, spread over the entire pizza crust. This will be used as your sauce but don't over do it. The middle can become soggy if too many tomatoes are in the middle of the pizza.
5. Sprinkle cheese over pizza covering completely.
6. Bake at 450 for 8-10 mins or until golden bubbly.
7. Enjoy!!

I hope you guys are enjoying this blog. It has been fun and motivating to me to cook cleaner and greener. I can't wait to use veggies from our garden to make some delicious meals this summer. :) 


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